The Ripple Effect – One Year On

Imagine if you could capture people’s attention in the same way as Justin Trudeau. We’d all like some of that, right?

Now let’s be honest about this. The Prime Minister of Canada has been blessed with many attributes. And I am big enough to admit that my only route to some of them involves plastic surgery and a dedicated skin routine.

However I recently heard him speaking on the podcast The West Wing Weekly where he dropped this excellent piece of advice. According to Trudeau his single most important job is to connect to people. Within his team he has brilliant people who can craft policy.

However he has realised that talking in terms of policy will never truly connect. It might make him look smart, but it will never connect. What connects him to the people of Canada and the world is the narrative. It’s the story he weaves that is based on the policies his team have developed. It’s his ability to make people understand how a great future will look and feel.

As a communications coach this is music to my ears. Whether you are selling a new product, leading change, interviewing for an important job…or anything really, you will only truly connect if you can get people to imagine a better future.

Now the counter argument is, “But my ‘buyers’ are deeply technical or only care about cost. ”I have no doubt that this is very true in most cases nowadays. But remember this. Your buyers are also end users or know people who will be. Those end users will be interacting with you, or your product, or your policy, or your change agenda. If you talk solely in terms of fact, or data, or technical capability you may well look smart but you won’t connect Connection comes by telling people the story of how the future will look and feel.

That’s the Justin Trudeau Secret Sauce.

It’s also the area that really excites Sarah Jane and me. Helping people to discover their story and tell it with power, presence and warmth. If you want a coffee to talk about this then please do get in touch at

photo credit: Cannabis Culture Liberal BBQ in Vancouver with Justin Trudeau and Jodie Emery via photopin (license)