Many years ago, we were having dinner in Le Caprice when the buzz of the restaurant stopped.
We turned to see what had happened. Walking towards his table was the actor Michael Douglas. He was the centre of attention. There was nowhere to hide.
Although you may never win an Oscar you can be sure that your climb up the corporate ladder will involve extreme visibility and judgement by your internal and external stakeholders.
As a leader, people will interpret your character based on what they see. They will look for direction based on what you say. And they will judge your empathy based on how you listen.
For these reasons we take a story-based approach to our Leadership Coaching.
We will help you spot, shape and share the stories that connect, stick and inspire.
We will help you develop the courage and behaviours that demonstrate your authentic values.
We will help you unearth the stories you need to hear by focussing on curiosity and deep listening.

As accredited members of the Innogreat network we can help you understand and manage the stories you tell yourself about yourself through their Hack Your Box programme.
Hack Your Box is a simple and impactful methodology that creates a physical model of your unconscious thinking (your B❒X).
Together we will go through a process of reflection and sharing to hack your thinking and provide better results.